序列号获取的方式有很多种,最直接的当然是直接在电脑的外观标签上查找,也可以在 BIOS 中查询,或者利用品牌机官方的工具来查询。不过,在某些特殊的场景下,也许你也想使用命令行来获得机器的序列号信息。



wmic bios get serialnumber

Mac OS X

ioreg -l | grep IOPlatformSerialNumber


sudo dmidecode -t system | grep Serial


wmic csproduct get name

wmic csproduct get identifyingnumber,name


  • SerialNumber
    To Be Filled By O.E.M.

  • SerialNumber


一些有用的 WMIC 查询
Name Queries
baseboard get Manufacturer, Model, Name, PartNumber, slotlayout, serialnumber, poweredon
bios get name, version, serialnumber
bootconfig get BootDirectory, Caption, TempDirectory, Lastdrive
cdrom get Name, Drive, Volumename
computersystem get Name, domain, Manufacturer, Model, NumberofProcessors, PrimaryOwnerName,Username, Roles, totalphysicalmemory /format:list
cpu get Name, Caption, MaxClockSpeed, DeviceID, Status
datafile where name=’c:\boot.ini’ get Archive, FileSize, FileType, InstallDate, Readable, Writeable, System, Version
dcomapp get Name, AppID /format:list
desktop get Name, ScreenSaverExecutable, ScreenSaverActive, Wallpaper /format:list
desktopmonitor get screenheight, screenwidth
diskdrive get Name, Manufacturer, Model, InterfaceType, MediaLoaded, MediaType
diskquota get User, Warninglimit, DiskSpaceUsed, QuotaVolume
environment get Description, VariableValue
fsdir where name=’c:\windows’ get Archive, CreationDate, LastModified, Readable, Writeable, System, Hidden, Status
group get Caption, InstallDate, LocalAccount, Domain, SID, Status
idecontroller get Name, Manufacturer, DeviceID, Status
irq get Name, Status
job get Name, Owner, DaysOfMonth, DaysOfWeek, ElapsedTime, JobStatus, StartTime, Status
loadorder get Name, DriverEnabled, GroupOrder, Status
logicaldisk get Name, Compressed, Description, DriveType, FileSystem, FreeSpace, SupportsDiskQuotas, VolumeDirty, VolumeName
memcache get Name, BlockSize, Purpose, MaxCacheSize, Status
memlogical get AvailableVirtualMemory, TotalPageFileSpace, TotalPhysicalMemory, TotalVirtualMemory
memphysical get Manufacturer, Model, SerialNumber, MaxCapacity, MemoryDevices
netclient get Caption, Name, Manufacturer, Status
netlogin get Name, Fullname, ScriptPath, Profile, UserID, NumberOfLogons, PasswordAge, LogonServer, HomeDirectory, PrimaryGroupID
netprotocol get Caption, Description, GuaranteesSequencing, SupportsBroadcasting, SupportsEncryption, Status
netuse get Caption, DisplayType, LocalName, Name, ProviderName, Status
nic get AdapterType, AutoSense, Name, Installed, MACAddress, PNPDeviceID,PowerManagementSupported, Speed, StatusInfo
nicconfig get MACAddress, DefaultIPGateway, IPAddress, IPSubnet, DNSHostName, DNSDomain
nicconfig get MACAddress, IPAddress, DHCPEnabled, DHCPLeaseExpires, DHCPLeaseObtained, DHCPServer
nicconfig get MACAddress, IPAddress, DNSHostName, DNSDomain, DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder, DNSEnabledForWINSResolution, DNSServerSearchOrder
nicconfig get MACAddress, IPAddress, WINSPrimaryServer, WINSSecondaryServer, WINSEnableLMHostsLookup, WINSHostLookupFile
ntdomain get Caption, ClientSiteName, DomainControllerAddress, DomainControllerName, Roles, Status
ntevent where (LogFile=’system’ and SourceName=’W32Time’) get Message, TimeGenerated
ntevent where (LogFile=’system’ and SourceName=’W32Time’ and Message like ‘%timesource%’) get Message, TimeGenerated
ntevent where (LogFile=’system’ and SourceName=’W32Time’ and EventCode!=’29’) get TimeGenerated, EventCode, Message
onboarddevice get Description, DeviceType, Enabled, Status
os get Version, Caption, CountryCode, CSName, Description, InstallDate, SerialNumber, ServicePackMajorVersion, WindowsDirectory /format:list
os get CurrentTimeZone, FreePhysicalMemory, FreeVirtualMemory, LastBootUpTime, NumberofProcesses, NumberofUsers, Organization, RegisteredUser, Status
pagefile get Caption, CurrentUsage, Status, TempPageFile
pagefileset get Name, InitialSize, MaximumSize
partition get Caption, Size, PrimaryPartition, Status, Type
printer get DeviceID, DriverName, Hidden, Name, PortName, PowerManagementSupported, PrintJobDataType, VerticalResolution, Horizontalresolution
printjob get Description, Document, ElapsedTime, HostPrintQueue, JobID, JobStatus, Name, Notify, Owner, TimeSubmitted, TotalPages
process get Caption, CommandLine, Handle, HandleCount, PageFaults, PageFileUsage, PArentProcessId, ProcessId, ThreadCount
product get Description, InstallDate, Name, Vendor, Version
qfe get description, FixComments, HotFixID, InstalledBy, InstalledOn, ServicePackInEffect
quotasetting get Caption, DefaultLimit, Description, DefaultWarningLimit, SettingID, State
recoveros get AutoReboot, DebugFilePath, WriteDebugInfo, WriteToSystemLog
Registry get CurrentSize, MaximumSize, ProposedSize, Status
scsicontroller get Caption, DeviceID, Manufacturer, PNPDeviceID
server get ErrorsAccessPermissions, ErrorsGrantedAccess, ErrorsLogon, ErrorsSystem, FilesOpen, FileDirectorySearches
service get Name, Caption, State, ServiceType, StartMode, pathname
share get name, path, Status
sounddev get Caption, DeviceID, PNPDeviceID, Manufacturer, Status
startup get Caption, Location, Command
sysaccount get Caption, Domain, Name, SID, SIDType, Status
sysdriver get Caption, Name, PathName, ServiceType, State, Status
systemenclosure get Caption, Height, Depth, Manufacturer, Model, SMBIOSAssetTag, AudibleAlarm, SecurityStatus, SecurityBreach, PoweredOn, NumberOfPowerCords
systemslot get Number, SlotDesignation, Status, SupportsHotPlug, Version, CurrentUsage, ConnectorPinout
tapedrive get Name, Capabilities, Compression, Description, MediaType, NeedsCleaning, Status, StatusInfo
timezone get Caption, Bias, DaylightBias, DaylightName, StandardName
useraccount get AccountType, Description, Domain, Disabled, LocalAccount, Lockout, PasswordChangeable, PasswordExpires, PasswordRequired, SID
memorychip get BankLabel, Capacity, Caption, CreationClassName, DataWidth, Description, Devicelocator, FormFactor, HotSwappable, InstallDate, InterleaveDataDepth, InterleavePosition, Manufacturer, MemoryType, Model, Name, OtherIdentifyingInfo, PartNumber, PositionInRow, PoweredOn, Removable, Replaceable, SerialNumber, SKU, Speed, Status, Tag, TotalWidth, TypeDetail, Version